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Diabetes Update

Selenium and ginseng help improve diabetes status

Selenium increases telomere length in women

The body requires selenium, which previous studies showed can increase telomere length, a measure of biological aging. But there are few studies of this relationship in diabetes. In this study, doctors measured selenium in the diets of 878 women with diabetes between 1990 and 2002.

Overall, for every 1 microgram increase in selenium in the diet, telomeres were 1.84 base pairs longer.

Telomeres are specialized proteins that anchor the ends of chromosome strands, protecting their DNA from damage as cells replicate. Each time a cell reproduces, telomeres shorten, eventually exposing chromosome strands to damage and impaired reproduction. Longer telomeres suggest younger biological age.

Ginseng regulates several diabetes factors

This review of 20 placebo-controlled clinical trials covered 1,295 participants with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, aged 45 to 64, who took a placebo or ginseng in doses of 0.1 to 8 grams per day, in studies lasting from four to 24 weeks.

Overall, a 2 gram dose of ginseng per day significantly reduced triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in those with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Those taking ginseng also saw lowered blood pressure and increased nitric oxide, the compound that helps vessels relax and dilate. In studies lasting at least eight weeks, ginseng lowered fasting glucose levels and, regardless of the length of study, ginseng reduced insulin resistance.

“Our findings suggest that ginseng supplementation may be an effective strategy for improving cardiometabolic profiles in individuals with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes,” doctors concluded.

Reference: British Journal of Nutrition; 2022, S000711452200174X

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